Sunday, July 08, 2007

Just a note about the previous post....

Just a note about the previous post....

I had written it (the old fashioned way, by hand, in the journal I carry with me) while I was at the hospital very early Friday morning waiting for the doctor to come by on his regular rounds so that I could then go home and relay what he had to say to my grandmother, who couldn't go because her back was hurting her too bad. But, as doctors never show up when you think they will, I had plenty of time to write that. Then, when I got home, I typed it up for the blog. Of course, I got interupted by a phone call, leaving it up on the computer screen. I can't really blame my grandmother for reading it, because that is exactly what I would have done if I was in her shoes. But what really irritated me was that, first, she insisted that I print it off so that she could keep it and show it to everyone she knew, and, second, that she thought it was all about how pretty I think her garden is. I think she missed the point of it. Oh well.

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